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2024 NCAA Rules and Regulations with exceptions applicable to all games:

Open B and Masters 30+: Teams play 3 pool games and everyone makes playoffs (A and B brackets)

Master's 40+ and 50+: Top 4 teams make the playoffs

Men’s A: Top 6 teams make the playoffs

Game Duration:
(2) 22-minute running halves, including playoff and championship games.
*Stop time during the last 3 minutes of the game if within a 3-goal margin.

Men’s A division: ​(4) 12 Minute Quarters

One time-out per game.

Sudden death until a team scores. No timeouts in overtime.

Penalty Time:
Penalty time will be stop-start.

Overtime: Sudden death until a team scores. No timeouts in overtime.

Clearing Rule:
You have 20 seconds to clear the ball over the midline.
After 20 seconds of possession, the ball cannot cross back into your defensive half of the field.

Long poles:
No more than 4 long poles are allowed on the field at a time.

Expulsion from the game:
Ejected players will be excluded from participating in the current game and the next game.

Players can only play for one team in each division. Rosters will be checked randomly and before some playoff games to ensure compliance with these rules.

Proof of age/illegal players: The team manager is responsible for ensuring that all age requirements are met prior to each game. All players should have a legal ID to verify if needed.
​Players must be turning the division minimum age in the year of the event. (Example: I turn 30 in December 2023, I can play 30+ this year)

Delay of game:
If a team is not ready to begin their scheduled game within 5 minutes of official game time, then a delay of game penalty is assessed and the opposing team is awarded the first possession. A team may elect to begin play with 8 or 9 players without a delay of game penalty.

If a team does not have a minimum of 9 players at the start of the game, they will receive a forfeit. Teams may divide up and still play, but it will be recorded as a 1-0 win for the team that did not forfeit. The game can start with 9 players, and that team will play man-down until more players arrive or they choose to forfeit.

Crease Dives:
No crease dives are allowed. Feet must be grounded prior to the ball entering the goal.

3 illegal procedures in a half by a team result in a 30-second penalty.

Game Clock:
The game clock shall start on time, regardless of whether the game is ready to start, to stay on schedule.

Tournament Tiebreakers
1. Record in Pool
2. Head-to-Head Play (if applicable)
3. Goals against
4. Goal differential

Shot Clock for Men’s A:
60-second shot clock- starts at the time of possession of the ball. The ball must hit the front of the goal pipes, crossbar, or goalie (be saved) to be reset off of a shot. A procedure or penalty call will reset the clock.


2024 NCAA Rules and Regulations with exceptions applicable to all games:

Women’s Open: Teams play 3 pool play games, top 7 teams advance to the championship bracket. Bottom 6 teams will play for the B championship.

Women’s 25+ and 35+: Teams play 3 pool play games. Top 4 teams make the playoffs.

35+ teams will play 12v12 (4 attackers, 3 mids, 4 defenders, and one goalie)

Game Duration:
(2) 22-minute running halves, including playoff and championship games.
*Stop time during the last 3 minutes of the game if within a 3-goal margin.

One time-out per half.

Penalty Time:
Penalty time will be stop-start.

Sudden death until a team scores. No timeouts in overtime.

Expulsion from the game:
Ejected players will be excluded from participating in the current game and the next game.

Players can only play for one team in each division. Rosters will be checked randomly and before some playoff games to ensure compliance with these rules.

Proof of age/illegal players:
The team manager is responsible for ensuring that all age requirements are met before each game. All players should have a legal ID to verify if needed.

​Players must be turning the division minimum age in the year of the event. (Example: I turn 25 in December 2023, I can play 25+ this year)
Teams granted 2 age exceptions

Delay of game:
If a team is not ready to begin their scheduled game within 5 minutes of official game time, then a delay of game penalty is assessed and the opposing team is awarded the first possession. A team may elect to begin play with 8 or 9 players without a delay of game penalty.

If a team does not have a minimum of 9 players at the start of the game, they will receive a forfeit. Teams may divide up and still play, but it will be recorded as a 1-0 win for the team that did not forfeit. The game can start with 9 players, and that team will play down a player until more players arrive or they choose to forfeit.

Game Clock:
The game clock shall start on time, regardless of whether the game is ready to start, to stay on schedule.

Tournament Tiebreakers:
1. Record in Pool
2. Head-to-head play (if applicable)
3. Goals against
4. Goal differential

*Goggles and mouthguards are mandatory



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